How To Tackle Ticks!

Ticks can be a real nuisance for your pets. But fear not! We’ve got you covered with these expert tips on tick control!

What are common hiding spots for ticks?

Ticks lurk in tall grass and shrubs, waiting to latch onto passing pets. The most common type in the UK is Ixodes ricinus  – a.k.a. Sheep Tick, Castor Bean Tick, Forest Tick and Deer Tick. 

How can I avoid them?

Be extra cautious in tick-prone areas during spring and autumn, which are peak tick seasons. Try to keep away from long grass and vegetation.

How can I effectively check my pet for ticks?

Regularly check your pet, especially around the jowls, behind the ears, tummy, and between the legs. Use a tick hook for safe removal.

What else can I do?

Treat your pet with a Flea Screen or another veterinary licensed product to protect against nymph and larval ticks, which can be hard to spot.